Watch Talks

Rolex Milestones - 38 Important Rolex Watches at Phillips...
Mono thematic sales aren’t new, but they always attract a lot of attention as they tend to curate the finest examples of the chosen brand or artist. Phillips has had two very successful themed sale...
It’s that time of year again when Geneva plays host to auctions that boast some of the finest watches in the world – and this year will be no different! Our friends at Phillips invited me to a prev...
The Mysterious Rolex Zerograph Chronograph
We all expected the Rolex Zerograph that was in the ‘Start Stop Reset’ auction at Phillips to do well and we weren’t disappointed by how it performed on the day, realizing almost 390,000 CHF! I pi...
Phillips Geneva May Sales Preview
We talked about the Phillips auction last week and picked some of our personal favourites from the catalogue to share with you. On Saturday evening, as part of the ‘Issued London’ weekend event, we...